Monday, September 20, 2010

Girls are so Fun....

I have been dieing to make a dress for Ava and here is what I came up with. I got the idea from Dana on her blog MADE .  This was her Andy Warhol inspiration.  I love Dana's creations because she takes used clothes, bags, scrapes of fabric etc. and makes something completely different out of them.  Something I personally love to do.   This rose dress was made from my husbands old t-shirt and some fabric scrapes I had.  It was super fun and easy because I just did a little measuring and starting sewing.  To be honest I would rather not use a pattern for most things, it's probably because I am to impatient and I like to just get started on a project.  Also, I like to make things up as I go along it makes it more exciting. This dress does have many imperfections because I rushed through it between naps and feeding the kidos, but thats okay because I wanted to get an idea of what it would take to make a dress and to gain a little experience.  There are many things I will do differently on the next one to improve the quality.  

It was so fun and easy and it didn't cost me a dime, I had all the materials at my home already.  Now she has a dress for our party on saturday. Yipee!! 

If you are bored with your shirts, dresses, pair of pants, or anything really try making it into something else and let your imagination grow.   
p.s. send my pictures of your projects I would love to see them.  

I have been very busy lately making stuff for little girls.  I just finished a ruffled duvet for my friends new baby coming in October.  I got my inspiration from the tuxedo duvet sold at Anthropologie.   One of my favorite stores :). I plan on making another version of this for my daughter's room.  This I would not have been able to complete without my friend and amazing seamstress Monica Lopez.  Look her up on Facebook for all your  seamstress needs or questions. 

Have fun CREATING something new! 

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Vintage Floral Fitted Crib Sheet

As I was snapping these photos to display this vintage floral fitted sheet on my etsy shop, , my daughter starts giggling from the doorway and repeats multiple times "that's funny mommy".  I admit it was quite funny to have a bed outside, and for me to be taking pictures of it.  She was enjoying the excitement so much that when I went to bring everything back inside the house she was very disappointed because she wanted to sleep on her bed outside.  There are nights I would be temped to do that myself if there weren't so many bugs out there.  ;)

This has been a slow journey for Vintagebabydesigns, but I hope you check back from time to time and see what new projects I am working on.  I would also love to here about the crafts and hobbies you have been working on.  


Thursday, March 18, 2010

What baby/toddler products do you wish you could make yourself?

So right now I am in a little bit of a bind, I don't have a camera that has a charged battery!  This is because I lost my charger, ha!  So my pictures of my projects are coming a little slow, but I hope to get a new charger very soon. I have been working on a new project though, and I will post a picture as soon as I get a working camera. I would love to start getting feed back about what baby product  you wish you could make because you just can't find the right pattern or style out there?  After having my daughter and searching online for the perfect bed set and the right price, I couldn't find one so I decided to make my own.  Thats my project #2--- Fitted Crib Sheets.  

Pictures coming soon!!! 

Sunday, March 14, 2010