Thursday, August 26, 2010

Vintage Floral Fitted Crib Sheet

As I was snapping these photos to display this vintage floral fitted sheet on my etsy shop, , my daughter starts giggling from the doorway and repeats multiple times "that's funny mommy".  I admit it was quite funny to have a bed outside, and for me to be taking pictures of it.  She was enjoying the excitement so much that when I went to bring everything back inside the house she was very disappointed because she wanted to sleep on her bed outside.  There are nights I would be temped to do that myself if there weren't so many bugs out there.  ;)

This has been a slow journey for Vintagebabydesigns, but I hope you check back from time to time and see what new projects I am working on.  I would also love to here about the crafts and hobbies you have been working on.